Excerpts from Report for Zoom meeting 3-29-2021:
There were 26 Members who attended today’s meeting and we welcomed guests, Sharon and Deidre Stevenson, who was today’s program presenter. We were delighted to have her join us, and we were equally as pleased to welcome Jill and Marty back from Florida!
Naples Trout Derby 2021
Sherry and Micah gave a report on the 2021 Trout Derby held over the weekend. The Derby was very successful! There was a great turnout of fishermen, and many beautiful fish were caught. Micah said that most of the winners showed up to receive their awards as well. There were many excellent pictures on display on the Trout Derby Face Book page for all to enjoy. Sherry noted that in addition to having everything flow smoothly, people seemed to have enjoyed the “Fish Donkey App,” and that it may be used again next year. Approximately $3000 was made thanks to the wonderful donations that were made! Many small businesses contributed, which is greatly appreciated. The number of participants reached around the mid 140’s, so our Naples Creek must have been dotted with hopeful fishermen of various ages throughout those four days! One of the winners (in his category) was Charlie Grove! There were some other local winners too, and their pictures are available on the TD FB Page. John F. said that the Awards Ceremony is on FB also. Matt gave much credit to Sherry and Micah for “going above and beyond” to make this year’s Trout Derby such a success! Many thanks to both of you!
History of Sutton Spoons
It would only seem appropriate that today’s program would be about a familiar fixture in Naples that has been around for some time, – Sutton Spoons! We welcomed Deidre Stevenson, who shared the history of this unique business with us in a most interesting presentation. Scott Sutton, a successful fisherman, was the original spoon maker, and he set up his business where the Village Hall is located. He made his own spoons and spinners, and they were sold in his jewelry store also. After his passing, George Wells continued to make spoons under the management of Sutton’s son-in-law. After he passed, the store was going to be auctioned off, but three gentlemen wanted to maintain it. All the equipment was moved to the second floor of the Firehouse, and things continued. Deidre’s Grandfather saw potential, and the spoon business grew to full-time. He would make prototypes of spoons for others, and he developed the line. Plating went from using nickel to silver, and that shift increased its success. In the mid 1940’s the Toby Clothing Building became available, and in 1947, men’s sports clothing was added. That additional business has always been subsidized by Sutton Spoons, Deidre told us. Thousands of spoons have been made over the years, and they were made just like in the 1930’s! In 1971, the addition of Monty Miles as an employee helped the business to continue to flourish. A hydraulic press was added. Her grandfather modified some machines but spoons were hand-pounded. Deidre herself knows how to do this! It is interesting to note that Sutton Spoons has never advertised nationally! Its fame has spread by word of mouth! SS sells spoons locally, of course, but they also sell their spoons to other places such as New England, the Carolinas, Montana, and Canada!
Many great questions from members Rose, Blanche, Jill, Marty, Frank, Nancy, and Jack followed, and further interesting tidbits were uncovered! Sutton Spoons Tee Shirts are widely known throughout, and many great memories have been created. Nancy had one such memory to share! She and Bob were married on January 10, 1959, and that date is engraved on a Sutton Spoon! Deidre said that Sutton Spoons even appeared on an advertisement on a billboard in Germany! We thanked her for an excellent and timely program, and for the store’s continued help with the Trout Derby!
Nancy had the perfect “fish story” for today’s Rotary Moment! During past Trout Derbies, she and Bob would rent out rooms to visiting fishermen. Nancy said there would even be cots set up in the cellar! She came home from work at lunchtime to find a trout in the bathtub!! Apparently, the fella who had caught the fish didn’t want it to lose any weight!!
— Patrice Lysell