A One-Stop Site for “all things Naples”

The Neapolitan Record is here to serve the citizens of Naples NY and its surrounding communities, by providing a one stop site for information. This website will be updated monthly with information about local businesses & services, non-profits, events, municipal updates, guest submissions, fun interviews, and more. The editors wish to encourage and grow the positive, neighborly vibe, long nurtured by the Naples Community.

For information about contributing articles, announcements and events, please get in touch with Kim or Chris using the contact information below.

Letter to the Editors are also welcomed, and will be reprinted as written. All letters must be accompanied by name and contact information (no aliases permitted). We reserve the right to refuse anything incompatible with our standards.

Chris Abraham
(585) 698-5635 | cabraham@rochester.rr.com

Kim Torpey
(585) 374-6461 | kimtorpey@neapolitanrecord.com

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